Hope Fellowship Church

Prosper, Texas

GFF partnered with Hope Fellowship Church in Prosper, Texas, to develop a comprehensive campus master plan aimed at creating a welcoming and multifunctional space for the church and the surrounding community. The church’s vision of “building community” was central to this project, which involved developing an 18-acre site to maximize space and accommodate future growth within a modest budget.

The new campus features an 800-seat worship center designed to expand to 1,200 seats within the original building footprint. The design also includes education space for 250 preschool and elementary-age children, and generous indoor and outdoor community gathering areas. A key element of the master plan is the creation of a large town green and community coffee house, directly accessible from the public street, intended to serve as a shared space where the sacred meets the secular, fostering interaction between the church and the neighborhood.

The campus includes additional amenities such as a covered terrace with seating areas, an outdoor baptistry that doubles as a water feature, a fire pit, and a pavilion with a basketball court and kitchen. Regrading of the site created surplus soil, which was shaped into an informal outdoor amphitheater for worship, movies, and live performances, enhancing the versatility and communal feel of the campus.

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