Fiori on Vitruvian Park
Addison, Texas
Fiori is the third phase of new construction in UDR’s Vitruvian Park, an ambitious redevelopment of more than 100 acres of 1970’s and 80’s-vintage apartment land in Addison. The site is positioned with views overlooking a signature park surrounding a spring-fed creek with a civic amphitheater. 391 units are arrayed in a 10-story tower and mid-rise apartment wings set atop a two-story parking podium for 600 cars. The roof of the parking structure serves as an amenity terrace of over an acre, including two pools, gardens and activity areas. Fiori is a decidedly modern composition in which the tower appears to boldly rest atop the lower wings. The four-and five-story residential buildings address the surrounding streets at a lower scale and lend a traditional urban flavor to the neighborhood, in keeping with Vitruvian Park’s guiding New Urbanist principles. Construction on Fiori, by Andres Construction Services, was completed in 2013 and the project received LEED Silver Certification in early 2014.