Dallas, Texas
Constructed as the U. S. Government pavilion for the 1936 Texas Centennial Exhibition, the Tower Building marks the geographic center of the Centennial grounds. Today, the gleaming gold eagle at the top of the tower is a Fair Park landmark, and the bas-relief frieze depicting the history of Texas serves as the backdrop for Big Tex. Though the food/exhibit hall which makes up the majority of the building had been reconstructed in 2000, repair needs at the replacement construction often exceeded those for the remaining original portions of the building. Overall repair and restoration needs far exceeded the available funding, so a detailed scope-to-budget phase was a critical first step.
Highlights of this historic rehabilitation included: structural stabilization, foundation repair and leveling, and underslab polyurethane injection; replacement of below-slab plumbing damaged by settlement; repair of exterior plaster and restoration of the historic color scheme, remediation of flashing and sealant failure at windows, and restoration of the bas reliefs, U.S. Government seals, and Greek key frieze.

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