Dallas, Texas
The Bexar Street corridor is a major north/south roadway in South Dallas designed to connect several small neighborhoods and link strategic opportunity areas, as recommended by the Trinity River Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Dallas Housing Department’s goal to revitalize key neighborhoods using New Urbanist principles led to a comprehensive assessment of existing site conditions along the entire Bexar Street corridor, conducted in two phases. This assessment culminated in a land use plan for proposed infill commercial and residential development.
From this plan, a detailed streetscape site plan was prepared, serving as a model for city street improvements that promote pedestrian-friendly development. The corridor has seen the construction of townhome residential infill and the development of several city blocks featuring ground-floor commercial spaces with residential units above. Subsequent phases aim to extend revitalization efforts into adjacent neighborhoods, positioning Bexar Street as the community’s central hub for commercial activity.
The project includes new housing, mixed-use buildings, and community amenities such as a culinary skills training center and a Dallas Police outpost with a community prosecutor. The development emphasizes creating a vibrant, walkable environment that enhances the quality of life for residents while fostering economic growth and community engagement.

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Brian Moore
Principal + Director of Planning
Evan Beattie
Principal + Chief Executive Officer / Chairman
The Canyon in Oak Cliff
Dallas, Texas
Santa Fe Trail Corridor
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Texas A&M University–Central Texas – Campus Master Plan
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